Unique Weapon, Very Rare

This alien raygun is an artifact of disturbing, unknowable design. Its surface is made of a strange, shimmering red metal that refracts light in unnatural ways.


Functionality: When you decide to fire the Cosmic Disseminator, roll a D100. On a roll of 01-10, the weapon backfires. Consult the Damage Table to determine the effect.

On a roll of 11-100, the weapon fires as normal. Make a Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) roll against a target within 50 yards. On a successful hit, consult the Damage Table to determine the effect.

Damage Table: [d6]

  1. Intense Burn: The target takes 5D6 fire damage and must make a CON roll or become incapacitated from the pain.
  2. Spatial Twist: The target takes 5D6 damage and is teleported to a random nearby location. Roll a D10 for yards of distance.
  3. Temporal Flux: The target takes 5D6 damage and ages 1D10 years.
  4. Disintegration Beam: The target takes 5D6 damage. If this damage reduces the target to 0 hit points, it is disintegrated.
  5. Reality Tear: The target takes 5D6 psychic damage, and is banished to a random dimension. They may potentially be lost forever.
  6. Cosmic Annihilation: The target is disintegrated, and its soul is destroyed. If target was an object, the object turns to dust.

If the weapon backfires, the wielder is affected instead of the target.

** This weapon uses Sanity points, and a failure to fire properly results in a Sanity loss of 1D6.

Unlocked by Benjamin Sager in teeVillain’s League of Dastardly Do-Badders Facebook Group July 2022


An explosion rocked the foundation of a teeVillain broadcasting outpost as agents for the Secret World Police swooped in from all sides, taking control.

Despite teeVillain’s last-ditch effort to preserve this communication outlet, the SWP’s siege was too substantial to stop.

All hope appeared to be lost until a lone figure emerged from the shadows along the tree line, ready to mount a solo assault on these invaders.

Which of you among my league of dastardly do-badders took on the SWP single-handedly, and what weapon did you use?

Benjamin Sager:

I speak softly .. but carry a biiiiiiiiiiiiig cosmic disseminator!! .. And a size 16 boot with the SWP’s name on it!!

Cloaked in the shadows, he leveled the Cosmic Disseminator at the agent closest to the facility’s front entrance and pulled the trigger.
Nothing happened. No beam emanated from the device. Not even a sound. Was it turned on?

The figure checked the setting. Yes, everything was on, and the gadget was set to 11, the highest level possible.
They shook the weapon a few times, then aimed it again. As they did so, they noticed the agent was gone. Panic ensued. Were they spotted?

The bandit masks obscured their faces, which gave them a stealthy advantage, but perhaps it was not enough.
His eyes were drawn to a small mound of black sand on the ground where the agent once stood. hmm…

An unexpected gust of wind blew just then. The leaves of the surrounding trees jostled, and he saw it as if it were happening in slow motion. The outpost tilting… Collapsing… into large chunks at first. Then as those chunks hit the ground, Benjamin Sager realized the full magnitude of his actions as well as the power of the weapon he held in his hand.
All that remained of the broadcasting facility was a pile of coarse dust.

Benjamin Sager’s reward for clearing the facility of all SWP agents was deposited in his account.

